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Academia? or Industry?

Academia? or Industry?
To facilitate the decision-making process of our students in their career progression, we organized an event titled "Academia or Industry?" on Tuesday, May 23rd at our university.

To facilitate the decision-making process of our students in their career progression, we organized an event titled "Academia or Industry?" on Tuesday, May 23rd at our university.

Our academics Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Yilmaz and Dr. Instructor Mehmet Karanfiloğlu shared his own experiences with the students while talking about the requirements, expectations and working conditions of the sector.

In the academy session, Prof. Dr. Alev Erkilet and Prof. Dr. Halil Berktay shared his academic journeys and experiences and touched upon the passion required for his academic career journey. After the sessions, our students' questions were answered, and our seminar ended with a group photo shoot.
